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Where can we help you today?

Enter the Energy Star Portfolio Manager Username exactly as it was created (Case Sensitive). If you don't have an Energy Star Portfolio Manager Username, you can create an account here.

Additional historical Usage data upload online form

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Building owners that have already received their prior usage data and maintained an active portfolio manager property share can use the below form to request for two (2) additional years of aggregate whole building usage information.
All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Your Information

2023 2022

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terms and conditions.

(Enter Your Full Name)
NOTE: If you have any questions or issues with your web submissions contact The Energy Efficiency team.
• Massachusetts customers use
• All other customers use
Reminder: you must have an active EPA portfolio manager web share request with National Grid to receive two (2) additional years of aggregate whole building usage information. This additional data may take up to 7 business days to get uploaded into your portfolio