Our gas leak map shows all reported outdoor gas leaks on streets in National Grid's gas service territory. All gas leaks are made safe immediately, and are repaired or inspected periodically based on their severity.

By entering this part of our site, you understand that your information, including, but not limited to, your IP address may be disclosed to a third party. By entering your zip code and clicking "View Map" below you consent to this tracking and subsequent disclosure.
Search by zip code to find all the leaks in your neighborhood.
For more information, visit our Gas Safety questions? See common FAQs.

Smell Gas? Act Fast.

If you smell gas, we urge you to report it, even if you think it's already reflected on this map. There could be a new or worsening leak and we need to check it out right away. Call 911 or 1-718-643-4050 in Metro NY.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Gas Service Territory