Energy supply companies

List of information and forms

Showing Items 1 to 25 of 34
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2021 Competitive Supplier Enrollment-Drop Schedule
This provides the schedule of Competitive Supplier Enrollment/Drop.

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2022 Competitive Supplier Enrollment-Drop Schedule
This provides the schedule of Competitive Supplier Enrollment/Drop.

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2023 Competitive Supplier Enrollment-Drop Schedule
This provides the schedule of Competitive Supplier Enrollment/Drop.

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The ESCO site for Massachusetts and New York has been moved. Please visit below link and update your bookmarks.

Energy Service Companies
The ESCO site for Massachusetts and New York has been moved. Please visit below link and update your bookmarks.

Energy Service Companies
The ESCO site for Massachusetts and New York has been moved. Please visit below link and update your bookmarks.

Energy Service Companies
The ESCO site for Massachusetts and New York has been moved. Please visit below link and update your bookmarks.

Energy Service Companies
Class average load shapes
This page describes the class average load shapes.

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EDI pre-production testing worksheet
This document is a worksheet to use in preparation for transmitting electronic data interchange transactions.

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EDI specific testing conditions
This provides the testing conditions required to send electronic data interchange transactions

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Electronic business transaction info - transaction set 820 payment order/remittance advice
This describes the payment order/remittance advice transaction.

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Electronic business transaction info - data definition (Appendix B)
This provides information regarding data definitions for EDI transactions as provided by the MA EBT.

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Electronic business transaction info - EBT standard for EDI in a restructured electric industry
This provides information regarding EBT Standards.

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Electronic business transaction info - test conditions and descriptions
This provides information regarding EDI test conditions and descriptions of expected results.

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Electronic business transaction info – transaction set 810 usage/billing invoice
This describes the usage and billing invoice transaction.

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Electronic business transaction Info – transaction set 814 account administration
This describes the general request, response or confirmation transaction.

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Electronic business transaction info – transaction set 867 product transfer and resale report
This describes the product transfer and resale report transaction.

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Electronic business transaction info – transaction set 997 acknowledgement
This describes the functional acknowledgement transaction.

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Electronic business transaction info – turnaround standard (Appendix A)
This provides information regarding how EDI data flows between the ESCO and the utility.

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Forward Capacity Market – frequently asked questions
This page provides ISO information.

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Installed capacity tags
This provides information regarding Rhode Island Energy method for estimating ICAP for ISO-NE reporting.

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Interval data request form
This page is a form (document) required to request interval data from the company.

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Interval data request form
This page is a form (PDF) required to request interval data from the company.

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ISO New England website
This is a link to the ISO website.

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Load asset methodology
This page provides supplier load estimation allocation of losses to suppliers.

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Showing Items 1 to 25 of 34
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