Massachusetts C&I Gas: Custom Projects
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Custom Projects
Steam systems are one of the most intense users of energy in buildings. National Grid’s Save Steam Now Initiative is designed to help customers reduce energy, improve reliability, increase education and awareness, and improve efficiency in steam systems by providing steam trap and steam system surveys and financial incentives for energy efficiency improvements.
National Grid will fund 25% of the cost of a steam trap survey, to a maximum of $2,500. A pre-approved surveyor will examine your facility’s steam traps in order to uncover failed or nonoperating traps. The surveyor will recommend if traps need to be replaced or repaired. If you opt to complete at least 50% of the recommended repairs, National Grid will pay an additional 25% of the survey cost (up to $2,500). The maximum funding cap is $5,000.
To learn more about this program, please click here to download a rebate form or call 1-800-843-3636.
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